Safe and Secure Sealed Sources for Beneficial Use

The International Source Suppliers and Producers Association (ISSPA) is an association that is comprised of companies who are international industry leaders in the manufacture, production and supply of sealed radioactive sources and/or equipment that contain sealed radioactive sources as an integral component of the radiation processing or treatment system, device, gauge or camera.

Radioisotope products are used in a wide range of applications that impinge upon health, safety, and security. Effective source management practices are a cornerstone to strengthen the long term safety and security of radioactive sources throughout their life cycle. Radioactive sources are a safe, secure, viable technology for use in a variety of important medical, industrial, and research applications.

ISSPA aims to ensure the ongoing and beneficial application of radioactive isotope sealed sources and  promotes continuous improvements in the safe and secure use, transportation and end of life management of sealed sources.

ISSPA addresses a number of industry-critical concerns including safety, security, lifecycle management, denial of shipments, isotope supply and transportation.  Its mission is to ensure the use of radioactive sources continues to be regarded by the public, the media, legislators, and regulators as beneficial.

The objectives of ISSPA are:

Articles of Association

Code of Good Practice: Objectives

Through the implementation of robust safety and security cultures, and strong regulatory compliance practices, producers and suppliers of sealed sources are committed to ensuring the safety and security of sealed radioactive sources throughout their lifecycle. In support of this principle and the IAEA Code of Conduct on the Safety and Security of Radioactive Sources, IAEA Nuclear Safety Series (NSS) documents on Security in Transport of Radioactive materials and Nuclear Security Recommendations on Radioactive Materials, and the Guidance on Import and Export of Radioactive Sources, members endorse the International Source Suppliers and Producers Association Code of Good Practice. Through implementation of this Code of Good Practice, ISSPA expects to promote good and equitable business practices, industry best practices, and to facilitate beneficial uses of radioactive sources.
The Code of Good Practice will continue to be developed, updated, implemented and maintained by the International Source Suppliers and Producers Association.

Code of Good Practice: Principles

The Code of Good Practice covers the following principles, with an emphasis on safety and security.

1. Regulatory Compliance

2. Quality Management

3. Design of sources and devices

4. Manufacturing of sources and devices

5. Sales

6. Distribution

7. Tracking

8. User support

9. Source life cycle management